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Calibration and parameter setting of electronic hook scale

Time:2020.06.24     News sources: Hebei Chaoda Sealing Products Co., Ltd

In the process of self-check of electronic hook scale, press [2] all the time to enter the calibration and parameter setting state. Press [2] to switch between calibration (display CALSPE), parameter setting (display SEt--), internal code display (display - AD -) and instrument interchange (display CHAnGE). Press [1] to access the required function. Press [4] to enter the weighing state under the switching state.

1, the calibration

When displaying CALSPE, press [5] to enter calibration and display CAL000 to indicate zero calibration. After confirming the balance and stabilizing lamp, press [5] to complete the zero calibration. Display CAL001 to prompt the user to start the calibration of load point one, at which point the user enters the weight value of known load one. (Input method: Press [1] to change the number from 0 to 9. Press [2] to shift the number forward when the number is needed.) When the load is on and the stability light is on, press [5]. If the weight value entered at this time is within the normal range, CAL002 will be displayed. At this point, press [4] to complete the linear calibration. If nonlinear calibration is to be carried out, load point two should be calibrated in the same way as the load point. Similarly, the load point three can also be calibrated. However, in addition to zero point, only three load points can be calibrated at most. When the load point three calibration is completed, press [5] and the input weight value is normal or the user presses [4] at any time during the calibration, the program will exit the calibration process and enter the weighing state.

2. Parameter setting

When displaying SEt--, press [5] to enter parameter setting and display D XXX, in which XXX represents the current dividing value. Press [2], then the indexing value cycles between 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 0.1. When switching to the required indexing value, press [5] to complete the setting of the new indexing value and switch to the filtering mode. FiLt X is displayed, where when X=0, stable filtering is adopted. When X=1, fast response filtering is adopted. You can switch between the two filtering modes by pressing the [2] key. When switching to the required filtering mode, press [5] to complete the setting of the filtering mode. And go to range Settings to display RXXXXX. Where XXXXX is the current range value. Press [2], then the range will switch between 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 15000, 20000, 30000, 50000, 60000. When switching to the required range, press the [5] key to complete the setting of the new range value and enter the setting of the boot setting range to display SEtxxx, where XXX is the current boot setting range. Press [2], then switch between 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. These values represent the range of percentages. Press [5] to complete the setting of the new power-on zero range, and switch to the setting of accumulation mode. Aut -- X, x=0 means non-automatic accumulation, x=1 means automatic accumulation. Press [2] to switch to the accumulation mode. Press [5] to complete the new accumulation mode setting and enter the zero tracking setting. When the zero trace is set, L0 x is displayed, where x is the different speeds of the zero trace. When x is 0, zero trace is off. When X is 1, it means slow zero tracking, when X is 2, it means medium zero tracking, and when x is 3, it means fast zero tracking. You can switch between the above four modes by pressing the [2] key. When switching to the desired mode, press [5] to complete the setting of zero tracking and enter the setting of time. When setting the time, display TTXXXX, where XXXX is the minute and second when entering the time setting. Use [1] and [2] to enter the new 6-bit time (hour, minute and second). Press [5] to complete the new time setting if the input time is valid. Returns function toggle status.

3. A/D internal code display

When displaying - AD -, press [5] key to display XXXXXX, in which XXXXXX is A decimal number, which represents the A/D internal code transmitted wirelessly from the scale body. Press [5] key to return the function switch state.

4, electronic hook scale instrument interchange function

When displaying C-Data, press [5] to enter the instrument interchange function. This function has a great impact on the use of electronic scale, so there is password protection. Users should not enter at will.

≡  contacts:Manager Wang ≡  mobile:13930926376 ≡  Telephone:0319-2158243 ≡  fax:0319-2159641 ≡  address:No. 1 in Rongtai science and Technology Incubation Park, south of Xingda street, Xingtai Economic Development Zone
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